The single member operating agreement allows for a sole-owner of an LLC to create a document that spells out the everyday business activity as well as all formation information. If the member filling-in the agreement cannot find their LLC information they may check the business database for all their entity details.
This form is not required by law but is advised by legal professionals to be filled-in, notarized, and kept in a safe place for record keeping. The document may be asked to be looked at by a government body or authorized third (3rd) party.
State Definition
“Operating agreement” means the agreement under section 428-103 concerning the relations among the members, managers, and limited liability company. The term includes amendments to the agreement.
How to Write
The form may be written by filling-in the following information about the company:
- Entity Name (not fictitious)
- Name of Member
- Primary Business
- Principal Office Address
- Registered Agent Information including the Name and Address
- Percentage ownership of the LLC (in percentage%)
- Management Structure
- Officer(s)
- Signature Area
It is highly recommended to choosing to have the form signed in front of a notary public.